Medical (Health) Insurance Verification Form

Medical Health Insurance Verification Form

A medical (health) insurance verification form is a document healthcare providers use to verify a patient’s type and extent of health insurance coverage. After the medical facility sends the form to the patient’s insurance provider for completion, its office staff can review it to determine which services the patient’s insurance will cover.

Benefits of Verifying Health Insurance

What You Need for Health Insurance Verification

As a healthcare provider, you’ll need the following information to complete your portion of a health insurance verification form:

How to Verify a Patient’s Medical Insurance

Step 1 – Collect the Patient’s Information

Ask the patient to provide their information, including their personal details and health insurance information. You may also ask for the patient’s medical history to determine the services they may need.

Request this information several days before their first appointment if possible, as this advanced planning allows time for the insurance company to complete the insurance verification process.

Step 2 – Contact the Insurance Company

Contact the insurance company to get in touch with a representative. Refer to the patient’s insurance card, as it will often list a designated service line that the insurance provider reserves for verification. You may also have the option to visit the insurance company’s online portal to verify coverage.

Before Sharing a Patient's Information

Always obtain a patient’s permission before sharing their information with an insurance company or another third party. Ask the patient to complete a medical records release authorization form to document their consent in writing.

Step 3 – Check the Coverage Details

Once you connect with a representative, ask them to verify the patient’s insurance details. Some information they will verify includes the patient’s cost-sharing obligations, insurance benefits, deductibles, and other policy details.

Step 4 – Verify Eligibility

Ensure the patient is eligible for coverage on the desired date of service. Since coverage can change, it’s important to verify eligibility for each appointment. Some insurance companies may require preauthorization for specific services (like providing durable medical equipment or prescribing some medications).

Step 5 – Record the Insurance Details

Record the insurance details on your verification form. This way, you’ll have them readily available for billing and reference purposes.

Information to Record

Along with the details of the patient’s insurance policy, you should also include the name of the representative you spoke with, the date and time of verification, and any reference or approval numbers or codes.

Step 6 – Follow up with the Patient

Once you complete the verification process, contact the patient to inform them of what their health plan will cover. Explain what amount they may have to pay out-of-pocket and if their insurance provider requires prior authorization to seek reimbursement.

Health Insurance Verification Form Sample

Download a health insurance verification form template in PDF or Word format below: