Milestones Autism Planning (MAP) Tool

Self-Advocacy Skill Building for Teens

It is important for your teen to learn how to advocate for themselves, to empower their right to express their needs and challenges, to get help and to avoid victimization or bullying. It takes time and coaching to develop these skills while also navigating the ever evolving social and academic stress and expectations.

Here are key skills to work on over time. Pick one or two at a time. Does your teen know how to

Self-Advocacy Skill Building Strategies

Milestones has tips and information to help your teen develop self-advocacy skills here, including Top 10 Tips for Becoming Your Own Best Advocate and Self-Advocacy Skills for Ages 14 to 18. These are some strategies you can use

For Families Whose Teen is More Impacted

Self-advocacy skills are important for teens who are more impacted, based on each teen’s strengths, challenges and needs, such as