Legal assistant interview questions and answers

This Legal Assistant interview profile brings together a snapshot of what to look for in candidates with a balanced sample of suitable interview questions.

Nikoletta Bika

Nikoletta holds an MSc in HR management and has written extensively about all things HR and recruiting.

legal assistant interview questions

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Legal Assistant Interview Questions

Legal assistants typically work in law offices and firms. They have both an administrative and legal role. Apart from duties such as maintaining files, they also conduct research and draft legal documents.

A degree in law isn’t always required. Vocational training in legal studies or a couple years of experience may serve as a substitute. Certification is also a good way to screen candidates.

During the interview, try to assess their office administration abilities. Their communication skills and attention to detail should also be evaluated. Look for their knowledge of legal office procedures, terminology and protocols. Ideally, they should have solid knowledge of research methods and the court system as well as case management software.

Operational and Situational questions

Role-specific questions

Behavioral questions