BS in Chemical Engineering

To earn a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree from UIC, students need to complete university, college, and department degree requirements. The Department of Chemical Engineering degree requirements are outlined below. Students should consult the College of Engineering section for additional degree requirements and college academic policies.

Course List
Code Title Hours
Summary of Requirements
Nonengineering and General Education Requirements 68
Required in the College of Engineering 51
Selective 3
Technical Elective a 3
Electives outside the Major Rubric a 3
Total Hours128

Students in the Biochemical Engineering Concentration take a minimum of 8 hours of electives and 130 hours for the degree; see below.

Nonengineering and General Education Requirements

Course List
Code Title Hours
Required Courses
ENGL 160Academic Writing I: Writing in Academic and Public Contexts3
ENGL 161Academic Writing II: Writing for Inquiry and Research3
Exploring World Cultures course a 3
Understanding the Creative Arts course a 3
Understanding the Past course a 3
Understanding the Individual and Society course a 3
Understanding U.S. Society course a 3
MATH 180Calculus I b 4
MATH 181Calculus II b 4
MATH 210Calculus III b 3
MATH 220Introduction to Differential Equations3
PHYS 141General Physics I (Mechanics) b 4
PHYS 142General Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism) b 4
CHEM 122
& CHEM 123
Matter and Energy
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry I b
or CHEM 116 Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry I
CHEM 124
& CHEM 125
Chemical Dynamics
and Foundations of Chemical Inquiry II b
or CHEM 118 Honors and Majors General and Analytical Chemistry II
CHEM 222Analytical Chemistry c 4
CHEM 232Structure and Function3
CHEM 233Synthesis Techniques Laboratory2
CHEM 234Chemical Synthesis3
CHEM 342Physical Chemistry I3
Total Hours68

Students should consult the General Education section of the catalog for a list of approved courses in this category.

This course is approved for the Analyzing the Natural World General Education category.

Students who take CHEM 116 and CHEM 118 to fulfill the general chemistry requirement do not need to take CHEM 222 . Instead they should enroll in one of the following: CHEM 314 , CHEM 452 , CHEM 402 , or CHEM 444 .

Required in the College of Engineering

Course List
Code Title Hours
Required Courses
ENGR 100Engineering Success Seminar a 1
CHE 201Introduction To Thermodynamics3
CHE 205Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering3
CHE 210Material and Energy Balances4
CHE 230Molecular Systems in Chemical Engineering b 3
CHE 301Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics3
CHE 311Transport Phenomena I3
CHE 312Transport Phenomena II3
CHE 313Transport Phenomena III3
CHE 321Chemical Reaction Engineering3
CHE 341Chemical Process Control3
CHE 381Chemical Engineering Laboratory I2
CHE 382Chemical Engineering Laboratory II2
CHE 396Senior Design I c 3
CHE 397Senior Design II4
CME 260Properties of Materials3
ECE 210Electrical Circuit Analysis3
CHE 499Professional Development Seminar0
CS 109Programming for Engineers with MatLab3
Total Hours51

ENGR 100 is one-semester-hour course, but the hour does not count toward the total hours required for graduation.

CHE 230 is only required for students who enrolled Fall 2022 or later, and for students taking the Energy & Environment, Nanotechnology, or Polymers & Molecular Engineering concentration. Students s hould consult the archived catalog from their admission year for requirements.

Students enrolled before Fall 2022 take CHE 396 as 4 hours.