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The Code Council maintains one of the most historic and prestigious credentialing programs for construction codes and standards. We are committed to upholding the highest standard through continuous review and partnership with experienced professionals.

Code Council credentials are a great way to take your career to the next level. Building departments, state and provincial agencies, and third-party entities around the globe recognize Code Council certification as the single most significant codes and standards credentials that building professionals can attain.

The Legacy and State Certification Program was established to provide a mechanism for:
1. individuals to demonstrate their knowledge of construction codes, standards and practices in specific states, and
2. jurisdictions to partially evaluate individuals for knowledge of various construction codes,
California Certification Program
The California Certification Program meets the intent of Assembly Bill No. 717, which requires certification and training of construction inspectors, plans examiners, and building officials. It was designed for those jurisdictions requiring knowledge and application of the California Codes, and is deemed substantially equivalent to the corresponding Code Council certifications.

ICC's Contractor/Trades examination program is designed to provide licensing agencies with information regarding qualified contractors and trades professionals. This program serves as an independent appraisal of your competency in the construction field, and your test results may be used by licensing agencies to satisfy the requirements for testing.

Petroleum storage tanks are regulated by federal and state laws. Many states require that tank workers be licensed or certified before being allowed to install, retrofit or decommission UST and/or AST systems or components. Code Council UST/AST examinations can be used to complement state licensing programs. In some states, individuals are required to pass state-specific examinations.

The program is used as a mandatory requirement in whole or in part by some states. It is available as a voluntary credential in several other states where there is not yet a mandatory UST or AST licensing requirement.

Anyone seeking a state or local license should first contact the appropriate licensing agency regarding specific local requirements.