SNAP Foal IgG Test

SNAP Foal IgG test gives fast, accurate results in just minutes—enabling you to detect low levels of IgG and begin life-saving treatment immediately.

Quick and Accurate Detection of Neonate IgG Levels is Critical.

The Convenience of SNAP Foal IgG Test

Effective with serum or whole blood

Single patient visit

Test Results in 7 minutes

Accurate, easy-to-interpret results

Treatment can begin immediately

Results in 7 minutes

Step 1

Dilute sample. Mix thoroughly and dispose of first 5–10 drops from the bottle.

Step 2

Apply one drop of sample over sample spot.

Step 3

Pour conjugate into the sample well.

Step 4

Snap down activator until it is flush with the base.

Step 5

Wait seven minutes.

Test Results

Less than 400 mg/dL IgG
The color intensity of the sample spot is lighter than the 400 mg/dL calibrator spot

Approximately 400 mg/dL IgG
The color intensity of the sample spot is the same as the 400 mg/dL calibrator spot

400 to 800 mg/dL IgG
The color intensity of the sample spot is darker than the 400 mg/dL calibrator spot but lighter than the 800 mg/dL calibrator spot

Approximately 800 mg/dL IgG
The color intensity of the sample spot is the same as the 800 mg/dL calibrator spot

Greater than 800 mg/dL IgG
The color intensity of the sample spot is darker than the 800 mg/dL calibrator spot

SNAP Foal IgG Test Package Insert

To order, call 1-800-248-2483

1. "Failure of Passive Transfer," by Edward L. Squires, Ph.D. The Horse, December 1997, p. 62.

SNAP Foal is a registered trademark of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.

SNAP Foal IgG is available only through veterinarians. Always keep tests refrigerated.